Double glazing PVC windows, Penrith, Cumbria

Home improvement is one of the best ways to increase the value of your property.

Many people will increase the value of their home purely through redecoration, however another, and perhaps a better, option that can add value to your home is PVC Windows. These double glazing windows can improve the look of your home, help to minimize heat reduction and add improved security to your home.

There are a wide range of PVC Windows currently available – you can find the right type of window to suit your needs. With such a great range, you can effectively chose a style that complements your home and is in keeping with all of the current features. Two of the most popular styles of windows are whitegrain windows and tilt and turn windows.


Each type of window differs in it’s design. Some windows are purely side hinged, allowing a sideways opening, whilst others open vertically. Others slide and there are even options that do both. PVC Windows also have many advantages over the traditional styles. With a complete PVC structure, they are highly durable and easily cleaned with no painting or maintenance needed. They are well insulated, which will save money on heating bills too.

Here at Planet South Lakes, we offer a great range of PVC windows which are available in a wide range of styles and colours. If you wish to buy PVC windows online, you can request a quote from us right now.

So if you are considering refurbishing your house, or maybe looking to extend to it with a conservatory or orangery, then visit our website for more information.


You’re assured of a very warm welcome when you call into our Kendal showroom to view our fabulous products, with several experienced sales consultants ready and waiting to give you a helping hand.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 0800 61 222 55

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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