Help Save the World and Save Money with PVC Windows and Doors

This is not something that immediately springs to mind when we think of the onset of global warming but, with house values falling and energy prices constantly on the rise, it is becoming increasingly important for home owners to make sure that they pay more attention to the upkeep of their existing properties. Energy efficiency has become a topic that needs to be given increasing credibility in today’s modern economic climate.

Firstly we need to examine where our homes are most likely to be losing heat from.  One of the obvious places would be the loft space and the walls and to make sure that the house’s insulation was doing its job, but one of the areas that may be overlooked is the windows and doors of a property.

Obviously we cannot avoid opening the windows and doors and this is where we think we lose most of the heat from within our homes, when we have to leave the house or open the windows for fresh air, but if the windows and doors are of a certain age then we could be losing unneeded energy for the sake of an upgrade. By making an investment now we could be saving thousands of pounds in the long run and also enhance the value of the house, at a time when taking into consideration how much a property is worth is as important as ever.

Did you know for instance that all modern windows have an energy rating the same as fridges, boilers and washing machines do?  This is to allow the consumer to make the most informed choice possible, especially now that there is lots of different type of glazing on the market.  Basically if you have something like an A-rated energiMAX™  PVC window installed then you stand to lose absolutely no heat from your home.

Not only will you increase the value of your property and become more energy efficient, resulting in cheaper heating bills, but you will also be helping to save the planet by producing less CO2 emissions.  Now that can’t be a bad thing can it? Saving money and making the world a better place to live for future generations just by making a modest investment in some home improvements.

The advantages of having modern, sealed, PVC units doesn’t end their though.  To use the example of the energiMAX™ window above, by combining the right types of glazing, the windows that face southwards will trap the Sun’s warmth in the house and actually contribute to heating the house, which will see even more of a reduction in your heating costs.

So, having new doors and windows fitted that not only prevent the property from losing heat but actually help to produce energy is a way we can all contribute to cutting down on the amount of CO2 that is produced.  It is thought that by having properly sealed units installed by a reputable home improvement company that a house can reduce its emissions by as much as 2 tons of Carbon Dioxide a year.  Imagine how far that would go to reducing the accelerated effects of global warming.  By combining this with other simple energy saving measures like not leaving household appliances on standby etc we can all make one massive contribution to saving the planet, whilst at the same time saving a bit of money for ourselves in the long run.


You’re assured of a very warm welcome when you call into our Kendal showroom to view our fabulous products, with several experienced sales consultants ready and waiting to give you a helping hand.


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